International Yoga Day 2023 at Clarks Shiraz 21.06.2023

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On the occasion of World Yoga Day, Hotel Clark Shiraz hosted magnificent yoga camp in collaboration with Ek Pahel B.R. Memorial Welfare Society. The hotel premises came alive as 200 yogis gathered to partake in this event. Led by the accomplished yoga instructor Aanchal Seth, the participants, including Ruby Verma and Sanghamitra Bodhi, immersed themselves in the transformative practice of yoga. Within the serene ambience of the hotel, the air resonated with the harmonious flow of Pranayama, Anulom Vilom, and a myriad of other yoga asanas. With breathing techniques by the expert Aanchal Seth, the attendees delved deep into the profound essence of this ancient discipline. Expressing his sentiments, Secretary, Manish Rai, eloquently stated that yoga, ingrained in our culture, extends far beyond a mere single day of celebration. It is a way of life, a daily ritual to be embraced by all. Recognizing the correlation between the health and fitness of our youth and the progress of our nation, he emphasized the significance of adopting yoga as a regular practice. The presence of esteemed personalities such as General Manager Amulya Kakkar, Gautam Seth, Manish Rai, Rohit Agarwal, Anil Sharma, Dinesh Tiwari, Shambhu Sinha, Swami Das Arora, Sneha Jain, Ashlesh, Jyoti, Khushi, and others further elevated the grandeur of the event. Together, they bore witness to the profound impact of yoga on the mind, body, and spirit. In the tranquil sanctuary of Clark Sheeraz Hotel, this memorable gathering celebrated the timeless wisdom of yoga, illuminating the path towards a healthier, more vibrant existence.

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